
Showing posts from December, 2023

I, Daniel Blake

  1) A short film or feature that is produced outside the major film studios  2) After surviving heart attack a 59 year old must fight through bureaucratic forces to receive Employment and support allowance 3) Ken Loach because its based on true live events. 4) famous actors, advertising on bill boards and advertising digitally 5) Media 6) 3.5 milion 7) Independent flims are very different to hollywood blockbusters like doctor strange 8) the age rating was 15 and the film was i daniel blake 9) Blood, drugs, sex, nudity, horror, violenece, violent language, dangerous behaviour 10)

Black Widow

  1) Marvel studios 2)  One company owns a controlling stake in a smaller companies that each conduct buisness operations separatley. This links to black widow because black widow is owned by disney studios 3) It has high CGI and star actors 4) Trailers and posters 5)  $288.5 million budget and it made $379.8 box office 6) yes because it earned $174 million domestic in 31 days of release  7) The British Board of Film Classification  8) 12+  9) Characters, films , posters 10) the audience use a source on social media and real life