Camerawork blog tasks


Throughout the video at 3:31 I caught a high angle shot that shows the character looking up intensively whilst he is trying to create a rift and see if it works. This sets the scene as the characters hoping there rift plan to work .

Midway through the video at 2:16 I caught a over-the-shoulder camera shot that shows multiple characters figuring out a plan and coming up with ideas to call there friend. This sets the scene as the characters creating ideas for a plan.

Towards the end of the video I caught a close up camera shot that shows a older lady that used to be Prime Minister and her facial expressions showing shes selfless and kind hearted as she puts her life on the line to save the rest of the world.

Camera angles:

At 3:19 we witness a woman with low angle spectating a malicious computer, with what seems to be coding. From this we can infer that the woman may be planning something.


The lighting infers that we there are some dramatic scenes and intimating characters coming on the screen. This is important as it helps us infer what happens next


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