OMO print advert
1) 1950
2) Women were often pictured as travelling, working and purchasing independent male influence
3) Sells the idea of pride in keeping a clean house and in investing hard work into making white brighter
4) As there is a review from a womens point of view that states how good the OMO product is
5) As whoever sees the advert will read from top to bottom and look at every single detail
6) Red connotates blood, hardiness and and valor. White connotates purity, innocence and blue connotates vigilance and justice.[
7) The anchorage text “whiteness alone won't do” uses persuasive language to encourage the audience to buy the product
8) 1950s housewife hanging out the washing
9) That women are supposed to be doing all the house work happily
10) That women shouldnt be doing all the work even men should be doing work